Knystaforsen Internship Program
We offer internships in the kitchen and front of house for a minimum of 4 weeks, and up to 6 months.
During the program you will be given a mentor who will be responsible for the academic follow up during the program.
During the internship program you will be an additional member to our full ordinary team during prep, mise en place and service and the goal is that towards the end of the internship, you will be able to hold a specific section/position independently in the restaurant during service.
As an intern you will receive:
Free housing (if needed) as well as food during all working days.
An allowance of SEK 1000 per week to cover expenses. This is paid as salary.
The Intern is fully insured, whilst at work, during the internship program.
When the internship is over, we will determine if we can offer an employment at this time. In this case, we will provide a contract promptly and we will add 10% of the internship program length to the contract and you will be paid for it retroactively. If we do not have an opening at that moment, the intern can choose to be a part of our event pool of professionals who are hired in addition to our regular team in case of larger events.
What we require from you:
A team player mentality, and the willingness to learn. A certain level of knowledge about the field you are going to work in is required prior to entering the program.
A prerequisite for an internship at Knystaforsen is that the intern has a work permit in Sweden or is eligible to work in Sweden. This is the responsibility of the intern.
The intern will bear the cost for the transportation to and from Knystaforsen.
Would you like to apply, or to know more?
Please send an email with your desired internship period, CV and motivational letter to: job@knystaforsen.se
We will then arrange a time for a call, where we will estimate if we are the right fit for each other.
Please notice: At the moment all internships positions for the first half of 2025 are occupied.
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Knystaforsen - Rydöforsvägen 4 - 314 42 Rydöbruk - Sweden | info@knystaforsen.se
Please send us an email if you have any questions. We can be hard to reach by phone.